30/03 : Conférence de Steven Chu


Steven Chu, Président du COnseil Scientifique International de l’ESPCI Paris - PSL donnera une conférence sur le thème :

Le Changement climatique et les chemins innovants vers un futur durable


The multiple industrial and agricultural revolutions have profoundly transformed the world. However, an unintended consequence of these revolutions is that we are changing the climate of Earth. In addition to the climate risks, we face many challenges how to provide enough clean energy, water, air and food of a world of 7.9 billion people and likely to grow to 11 billion by 2100. Most of the talk will discuss the technical challenges and potential solutions that could provide better paths to a sustainable future. How we transition from our current path in the coming decades is arguably the most pressing set of challenges that science, innovation and policy have to address.

Steven Chu est co lauréat du Prix Nobel de Physique 1997,
Secrétaire d’état à l’Energie des USA de 2009 à 2013,
Professeur de Physiologie moléculaire et cellulaire, Clark Center,
Stanford University

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