Edgar E González (Faculty of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia)

Séminaires du laboratoire PMMH : consultez le programme

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13 décembre 2013 11:00 » 12:00 — Bureau d’Etudes

Complex hollow nanoparticles and their applications

Complex hollow nanostructures using simultaneous or sequential action of Kirkendall effect and galvanic exchange at room temperature can be obtained [1]. By this method it becomes possible to control the morphology and composition of the nanostructures to enhance their optical, thermal and catalytic properties among others.
In this lecture two cases of application of these nanostructures will be presented :
i) Plasmonic nanoantenna arrays -as optical counterpart of microwave and RF antennas- to collect, focus and tune the absorption of optical radiation efficiently, transcendental aspect to improve the performance of photodetectors and photovoltaic devices. Because their small size, nanoantennas offer several challenges, among them, the capability to fabricate and characterize them. From self-assembly techniques and via colloidal synthesis it is feasible to achieve complex arrangements of nanostructures on surfaces with different composition, making it possible to scale the production of such nanomaterials at low cost.
ii) The optical properties and morphology that offer these structures make them potentially useful for medical applications, specifically in biomedical imaging, controlled drug release, photothermal therapy, and optical sensing.

[1] E. González, J. Arbiol, V. Puntes. Science, 334 (2011):1377.

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