SIlicon Valley comes to Paris

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For the first edition under the high patronage of M. Emmanuel Macron, French President, "Silicon Valley comes to Paris" will gather actors of the Silicon Valley and some of the bests french scientists around hot topics of research and innovation in the future.

The Silicon Valley embodies scientific creativity, the taste of business creation and the passion for technologies. Inventions which came out of the labs in Stanford, Berkeley or Caltech have transformed the world and keep on shaping our everyday life. Parisians researchers are also involved in such an adventure. Since 1882, ESPCI Paris has succeedded in combining scientific excellence and entrepreneurial success, matching with the SIlicon Valley spirit. Scientists such as Marie Curie, Frédéric Joliot-Curie or Georges Charpak devoted their entire life to innovation at the heart of Paris. Their work revolutionnized imaging and medical therapy.
The Silicon Valley and the Parisian Science share common values within having a wealth of differences. The "Valley" gave birth to empires with its 6000 hightech companies, such as the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon). Universities are there provided with significant financial means.

Paris is strong of a seven centuries universitary tradition, and reknown for its research excellence. The Sainte Geneviève Mountain is one the most dense scientific territory in the world, and the capital hosts the biggest startup incubator. These two universes have everyting to gain by multiplying exchanges and meetings.

That’s why ESPCI Paris has taken the initiative to invite iconic people of the Silicon Valley to introduce them promising scientific work as well as high tech startups. A round table with SV visionnaries will tackle some major topics. What was the state of mind around the great entrepreneurial success accross the Atlantic? How do we use a scientific discovery for an enconomic project? How can we build collaborations between SV and Parisian science in Life Sciences with the example of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub?

Detailed Programme

World-Reknown speakers

Industrials, scientists, investors : The event will be the occasion to gather all the actors of innovation around some leading figures of the international stage.


10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris